Same problem here, Arch Linux with Plasma, Kernel 5.15 rc4. The only temporary solution I found is to assign a function key to toggle the touchpad on.
I've tried the latest unstable Plasma from arch's kde-unstable repo and the issue is still there.
Same issue here on Xiaomi 12 Pro (Android 12, Miui 13)
I think you should change a little bit the feature request since a progress bar for installation on android is quite impossible to make. On the other hand a generic...
Right now you can enable hyprland as the sddm-git compositor by creating a simple file as shown in the arch wiki and replacing kwin suggested compositor with hyprland. However, at...
Same error on arch
On arch the problem seems to have been fixed before the new commit was pushed, it may have had something to do with some dependency update althought I can't say...
Same issue on gpt4-x-alpaca 4 bits with an AMD 5700XT.
I've installed all the required packages and I've left the default settings.
The issue seems to be the related to this #931