Dan Hellem
Dan Hellem
Have you tried using the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Account.Client.AccountHttpClient to get what you need?
Are you still having issues here?
@shutchings if the API is not public then we probably should not be showing sample code for it yet. Do you know when the API will be public?
@bakhshir how are you creating the issue. Are you creating it then adding a label? Or adding the label and then saving the Issue?
ok yeah that makes sense. The problem here is that when you add a label while creating an issue, the issue is not yet really created. So it is caught...
@James-LeHa yeah I moved to another team so I have not made these changes are priority. I will keep it open, feel free to help and contribute.
Yep, per comments above on the cause
@ken-mellem yeah please see notes above :)
Sorry, but this code in this repo is not currently being maintained. We recommend you use the [Delivery Plans](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/boards/plans/review-team-plans?view=azure-devops) feature that is core to Azure DevOps.
@rokeno I have some time over the holidays to work on it. Feel free to take a look and create a PR if you want to work fix it.