Dan Haywood
Dan Haywood
Hi Jakub, Many thanks for the quick reply and for these hints. I haven't had the chance yet to try out the debugging, but I'll post back here once I...
Sure, it could support either file name. Perhaps a different ticket, but this feature could also provide a "New Project Wizard", which could potentially prompt for some of the initial...
What I had in mind was, for example, if I 'Create New Project': [image: image.png] then the choices listed would include creating an Antora project: [image: image.png] And similarly, if...
Hi Alex, sorry I've sat on this for so long. I must admit I didn't know of that distinction between latest vs current, and the fact that components are intended...
I tend to enable soft wrap, so no, down arrow doesn't equal next sentence. I like the idea of next para, also useful. Re next section, I also use File...
I couldn't find an immediate shortcut for this, but I find (on Windows) that: * alt+down/up means next method/previous method * alt+shift+down/up means move the current line down/up but alt+ctrl+down/up...
Yeah, I quite appreciate that this is a fuzzy requirement, and that it's current best practice (though annoying) to put in explicit anchors. As a couple of ideas for the...
OK fair enough. Perhaps a different ticket would be to introduce support for selected attributes, such as leveloffset? Appreciate that it's more effort, I suppose it depends whether the API...
Can confirm in 4.11 that MethodRule is undeprecated, but the Javadoc for MethodRule is out-of-date... it lists a number of classes as extending from MethodRule whereas they all - except...
On closer inspection, I see that the code in question is in `TextFileBasedViolationStore`, so perhaps this is already pluggable. Will dig a bit deeper.