
Results 16 issues of Dangelion

Hi I read your guideline on BEM (and others) but I still find some contradictions about the reusability. Please answer! **ONE: project-specific or global name?** The naming conventions require naming...

Hi, how about adding an hash on compiled css and js when deploying to production?


Hi thanks for this boilerplate, awesome! It gets better any time In this time I’m reading a lot about these 2 modern concepts: **CSS custom properties** and **CSS grids**. Well,...


Simply as it is: [![asd.jpg](https://i.postimg.cc/GpBKGjLs/asd.jpg)](https://postimg.cc/XZb90dyV) Bud in compilation re-writes all the CSS properties, how we could disable that?


Hi could you add the SCSS files? They're useful for many reasons. In all modern projects, SCSS are used in place of CSS. So for correctly importing your library we...

Hi I need to prevent that clicking on a link, it navigates to the url. I just want it opens the submenu. I'm using version 3.0.4 with this code: ```...

Could you add Sharrre to Bower?

Here is explained how to override messages: https://github.com/thedersen/backbone.validation#overriding-the-default-error-messages ``` _.extend Backbone.Validation.messages, // coffescript required: '{0} is required' rangeLength: '{0} must be between {1} and {2} characters' ``` how can specify...

Hi, I have these conditions on a field: `minLength: 3 required: false` Example 1: If I enter two characters it correctly shows error message "must be at least 3 characters"...


I need the same timer on different places of the same page. In the example you initialize the plugin with ID selector. Is it correct to initilize it instead with...