
Results 5 comments of dangbinghoo

> Please change shape [4, 480, 480, 3] to [4, 3, 480, 480]. > Just like: `image = image.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)`. it seems torch.transpose only support 2 arguments, and...

* Yox 版本:1.0.0-alpha.236 * 是否为公司项目:是 * 是否会升级到最新版本:是

> is there any nuttx talking groups or what exists? PS: I'm from CN, QQ group is ok.

> > > > 在我这里这个问题似乎是由`lib32-freetype2-infinality-ultimate`引起的,把这个库替换成`lib32-freetype2`后问题就不见了 > > > > > > > > > 可以说下具体什么情况,怎么替换的吗 > > > > > > 具体原因我也不清楚,manjaro中这个两个库不能共存,直接安装`lib32-freetype2`就会把`lib32-freetype2-infinality-ultimate`替换掉。 > > 我前两天试着装了`lib32-freetype2`,也尝试卸载重装,还是会报`Wine cannot find the FreeType font...

will separating `gintro` to `gintro-gtk3` and `gintro-gtk4` solves this problem?