Yongdam Kim
Yongdam Kim
Thank you for your implementation of your paper. First, I tried with your code and data. It worked well. (all_twitter_by_line.txt) Second, I tried 20newsgroup data which was in your paperwork....
안녕하세요. 이번에 카카오 아레나를 통해서 추천시스템을 공부중인 대학원생입니다. 서버의 사용 편의성을 위해 Google Colab으로 buffalo를 써보려고 시도중입니다. pip install buffalo로는 colab에 설치가 되지 않아서, 직접 installation 페이지에 있는대로 installation from...
I saw "Hashing" in the contents. I am looking forward to learning about Locality Sensitive Hashing(LHS) techniques. If can, more IR things such as, - Approximate Nearest Neighbors(ANN) techniques: Annoy,...