Dan Cancro

Results 25 comments of Dan Cancro

I got stuck and then stopped working on it. I couldn't get internationalization to work. My work is uploaded. Feel free to take a crack at it if you want....

Absolutely! This is a melting pot of approaches and libraries, so there's bound to be a lot of duplication and inconsistency. The end goal is to make it as DRY...

Great. Well, I am pretty far along with it on the blog branch, but you're welcome to take over. Give me a couple days to get things in shape. The...

@jasondt Thanks. I also wonder how the jhipster registry could help here. That seems to be a multi-application configuration server of some sort, but I haven't tried it out yet.

[Here](http://www.dancancro.com/comparison-of-angularjs-application-starters) are some alternatives. You should be able to find something you like.

Hi folks. Any chance someone could take a look at this? I can't really do anything until this one is figured out. Thanks

same thing ``` [01:30:13] (master) receta // ♥ rails g | grep teaspoon teaspoon:install [01:30:29] (master) receta // ♥ ls spec/javascripts/spec_helper.js ls: spec/javascripts/spec_helper.js: No such file or directory [01:30:46] (master)...

Thanks. I appreciate your agreement. 🌮 I started working on this a few years ago and have written about the situation [a few times](http://www.dancancro.com/). I held Google Hangouts for a...

@fourctv Thanks. I'm always open to suggestions. How would you put it? The items above are a subset of all the selling points of all the web dev technologies I've...

@OscarAgreda No argument there. Write once run everywhere is holy grail level stuff. I'm going to read more about Electron and NativeScript and try to clarify what benefits they each...