Dan Brooks
Dan Brooks
Is it possible to render the axes of a chart much in a cartesian graph style fashion, ie the lines run through 0 as the origin of the chart?
I work with some code that connects `duktape` to a Haskell system, part of this system involves converting JS values to Haskell types, in order to call Haskell functions, running...
I have installed HLS and it works great! I have however, come up against a slight issue with my workflow. I have a stack command that I run to watch...
This one should be fairly straight forward. If the line just contains `-`'s or `*`'s then insert a horizontal rule. Strip out whitespace in the check (allowing a pattern like...
Allow for closing of headers with `#`'s. If a header is found, then it needs to strip out the `#`'s from the end of the string aswell as the start....
Functionality for Setext-style headers needs to be added: `=`'s for Header1 and `-`'s for Header2 [Headers in Markdown](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#header)
Lists need to be implemented. `+`, `-` & `*` can be used interchangeably to create a bulleted list. Markdown that outputs HTML will just spit out a , in MD2OXML...