Dan Brickley

Results 108 issues of Dan Brickley

This issue addresses the situation in which Schema.org somewhat encourages the use of strings, on properties that are defined in a way that only expects one or more non-literal types....

Queued for Editorial Work

Followup from https://github.com/schemaorg/schemaorg/issues/3420 where we agreed to add new subtypes to clarify the distinction between an individual and an organization/place. It seems similar distinctions could be improved on Dentist and...


associatedMediaReview and relatedClaimReview should expect MediaReview, ClaimReview, rather than just Review

Queued for Editorial Work

We should initiate activities in this area, move quickly to reflect the speed with which AI technologies are developing and being deployed, and do so incrementally and in a way...

status:work expected

@RichardWallis before we went to 100% static-served site, I think our 404 handling was friendlier. Currently it is very 1994-flavoured and raw. Can you wire up a more friendly page...


@ericprud @rrlevering Here is the current draft of an export in ShEx format. SHACL is also below. For contrast see also [the last version](https://github.com/google/schemarama/blob/main/demo/validation/shex/specific/ServiceB/ClaimReview.shex) of something close to the schemarama...

Relaying from zuerich.ch team: > Another thing we saw on Data Commons [timelines site](https://www.datacommons.org/tools/timeline#place=wikidataId%2FQ72%2Cnuts%2FCH04&statsVar=Count_Person&chart=%7B%22count%22%3A%7B%22pc%22%3Afalse%2C%22delta%22%3Afalse%7D%7D) which could be made more clear is the metadata labeling of the Zurich data. If you...

Would you consider posting an explicit license on the Sim js code? Perhaps same as Three's? ie. https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/LICENSE


Hi @neelguha! this is neat. It is close to the concerns of some in the Wikidata community around "subsetting", so I've linked it from the Tools section in https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_Schemas/Subsetting#Tools_and_Data One...