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Compare schemarama representation with Google draft shape export

Open danbri opened this issue 10 months ago • 0 comments

@ericprud @rrlevering

Here is the current draft of an export in ShEx format. SHACL is also below. For contrast see also the last version of something close to the schemarama codebase (albeit not guaranteed to run right now):

@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix schema: <> .
@prefix sx: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

[] a sx:Schema ;
    sx:shapes [ a sx:ShapeAnd ;
            sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:Shape ;
                        sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                sx:max 1 ;
                                sx:min 1 ;
                                sx:predicate schema:url ;
                                sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                        sx:semActs ( [ a sx:SemAct ;
                                                    sx:code "console.log('some url checking code here')" ;
                                                    sx:name <> ] ) ] ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                        sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                sx:max 1 ;
                                sx:min 1 ;
                                sx:predicate schema:claimReviewed ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                        sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                sx:max -1 ;
                                sx:min 0 ;
                                sx:predicate schema:itemReviewed ;
                                sx:valueExpr [ a sx:ShapeAnd ;
                                        sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:ShapeOr ;
                                                    sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                        sx:predicate rdf:type ;
                                                                        sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                sx:values ( schema:CreativeWork ) ] ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                        sx:predicate rdf:type ;
                                                                        sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                sx:values ( schema:Claim ) ] ] ] ) ] [ a sx:ShapeOr ;
                                                    sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:ShapeNot ;
                                                                sx:shapeExpr [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                        sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                sx:predicate rdf:type ;
                                                                                sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                        sx:values ( schema:CreativeWork ) ] ] ] ] [ a sx:ShapeAnd ;
                                                                sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                            sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                    sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                    sx:min 0 ;
                                                                                    sx:predicate schema:author ;
                                                                                    sx:valueExpr [ a sx:ShapeAnd ;
                                                                                            sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:ShapeOr ;
                                                                                                        sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                                    sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                                            sx:predicate rdf:type ;
                                                                                                                            sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                    sx:values ( schema:Organization ) ] ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                                    sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                                            sx:predicate rdf:type ;
                                                                                                                            sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                    sx:values ( schema:Person ) ] ] ] ) ] [ a sx:ShapeOr ;
                                                                                                        sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:ShapeNot ;
                                                                                                                    sx:shapeExpr [ a sx:ShapeOr ;
                                                                                                                            sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                                                        sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                                sx:predicate rdf:type ;
                                                                                                                                                sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                                        sx:values ( schema:Organization ) ] ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                                                        sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                                sx:predicate rdf:type ;
                                                                                                                                                sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                                        sx:values ( schema:Person ) ] ] ] ) ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                                    sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                                            sx:max 1 ;
                                                                                                                            sx:min 0 ;
                                                                                                                            sx:predicate schema:name ] ] ) ] ) ] ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                            sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                    sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                    sx:min 0 ;
                                                                                    sx:predicate schema:datePublished ;
                                                                                    sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                            sx:semActs ( [ a sx:SemAct ;
                                                                                                        sx:code "console.log('some datetime checking code here')" ;
                                                                                                        sx:name <> ] ) ] ] ] ) ] ) ] [ a sx:ShapeOr ;
                                                    sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:ShapeNot ;
                                                                sx:shapeExpr [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                        sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                sx:predicate rdf:type ;
                                                                                sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                        sx:values ( schema:Claim ) ] ] ] ] [ a sx:ShapeAnd ;
                                                                sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:ShapeAnd ;
                                                                            sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:ShapeOr ;
                                                                                        sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                    sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                            sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                                            sx:min 1 ;
                                                                                                            sx:predicate schema:appearance ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                    sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                            sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                                            sx:min 1 ;
                                                                                                            sx:predicate schema:firstAppearance ] ] ) ] [ a sx:ShapeOr ;
                                                                                        sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                    sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                            sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                                            sx:min 1 ;
                                                                                                            sx:predicate schema:appearance ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                    sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                            sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                                            sx:min 1 ;
                                                                                                            sx:predicate schema:firstAppearance ] ] ) ] ) ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                            sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                    sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                    sx:min 0 ;
                                                                                    sx:predicate schema:appearance ;
                                                                                    sx:valueExpr [ a sx:ShapeOr ;
                                                                                            sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                                        sx:pattern "https?://.*" ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                        sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                                sx:predicate rdf:type ;
                                                                                                                sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                                                        sx:values ( schema:CreativeWork ) ] ] ] ) ] ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                            sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                    sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                    sx:min 0 ;
                                                                                    sx:predicate schema:firstAppearance ;
                                                                                    sx:valueExpr [ a sx:ShapeOr ;
                                                                                            sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                                        sx:pattern "https?://.*" ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                        sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                                sx:predicate rdf:type ;
                                                                                                                sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                                                        sx:values ( schema:CreativeWork ) ] ] ] ) ] ] ] [ a sx:ShapeAnd ;
                                                                            sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                        sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                                sx:min 0 ;
                                                                                                sx:predicate schema:author ;
                                                                                                sx:valueExpr [ a sx:ShapeAnd ;
                                                                                                        sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:ShapeOr ;
                                                                                                                    sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                                                sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                        sx:predicate rdf:type ;
                                                                                                                                        sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                                sx:values ( schema:Organization ) ] ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                                                sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                        sx:predicate rdf:type ;
                                                                                                                                        sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                                sx:values ( schema:Person ) ] ] ] ) ] [ a sx:ShapeOr ;
                                                                                                                    sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:ShapeNot ;
                                                                                                                                sx:shapeExpr [ a sx:ShapeOr ;
                                                                                                                                        sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                                                                    sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                                            sx:predicate rdf:type ;
                                                                                                                                                            sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                                                    sx:values ( schema:Organization ) ] ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                                                                    sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                                            sx:predicate rdf:type ;
                                                                                                                                                            sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                                                    sx:values ( schema:Person ) ] ] ] ) ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                                                sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                        sx:max 1 ;
                                                                                                                                        sx:min 0 ;
                                                                                                                                        sx:predicate schema:name ] ] ) ] ) ] ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                        sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                                sx:min 0 ;
                                                                                                sx:predicate schema:datePublished ;
                                                                                                sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                                        sx:semActs ( [ a sx:SemAct ;
                                                                                                                    sx:code "console.log('some datetime checking code here')" ;
                                                                                                                    sx:name <> ] ) ] ] ] ) ] ) ] ) ] ) ] ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                        sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                sx:max -1 ;
                                sx:min 0 ;
                                sx:predicate schema:author ;
                                sx:valueExpr [ a sx:ShapeAnd ;
                                        sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:ShapeOr ;
                                                    sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                        sx:predicate rdf:type ;
                                                                        sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                sx:values ( schema:Organization ) ] ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                        sx:predicate rdf:type ;
                                                                        sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                sx:values ( schema:Person ) ] ] ] ) ] [ a sx:ShapeOr ;
                                                    sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:ShapeNot ;
                                                                sx:shapeExpr [ a sx:ShapeOr ;
                                                                        sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                    sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                            sx:predicate rdf:type ;
                                                                                            sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                                    sx:values ( schema:Organization ) ] ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                    sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                            sx:predicate rdf:type ;
                                                                                            sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                                    sx:values ( schema:Person ) ] ] ] ) ] ] [ a sx:ShapeAnd ;
                                                                sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:ShapeAnd ;
                                                                            sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:ShapeOr ;
                                                                                        sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                    sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                            sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                                            sx:min 1 ;
                                                                                                            sx:predicate schema:name ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                    sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                            sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                                            sx:min 1 ;
                                                                                                            sx:predicate schema:url ] ] ) ] [ a sx:ShapeOr ;
                                                                                        sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                    sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                            sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                                            sx:min 1 ;
                                                                                                            sx:predicate schema:name ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                    sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                            sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                                            sx:min 1 ;
                                                                                                            sx:predicate schema:url ] ] ) ] ) ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                            sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                    sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                    sx:min 0 ;
                                                                                    sx:predicate schema:url ;
                                                                                    sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                            sx:semActs ( [ a sx:SemAct ;
                                                                                                        sx:code "console.log('some url checking code here')" ;
                                                                                                        sx:name <> ] ) ] ] ] ) ] ) ] ) ] ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                        sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                sx:max -1 ;
                                sx:min 1 ;
                                sx:predicate schema:reviewRating ;
                                sx:valueExpr [ a sx:ShapeAnd ;
                                        sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                    sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                            sx:predicate rdf:type ;
                                                            sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                    sx:values ( schema:Rating ) ] ] ] [ a sx:ShapeOr ;
                                                    sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:ShapeNot ;
                                                                sx:shapeExpr [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                        sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                sx:predicate rdf:type ;
                                                                                sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                        sx:values ( schema:Rating ) ] ] ] ] [ a sx:ShapeAnd ;
                                                                sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                            sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                    sx:max 1 ;
                                                                                    sx:min 0 ;
                                                                                    sx:predicate schema:alternateName ] ] [ a sx:ShapeOr ;
                                                                            sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:ShapeNot ;
                                                                                        sx:shapeExpr [ a sx:ShapeNot ;
                                                                                                sx:shapeExpr [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                        sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                                sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                                                sx:min 1 ;
                                                                                                                sx:predicate schema:name ] ] ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                        sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                                sx:min 1 ;
                                                                                                sx:predicate schema:alternateName ] ] ) ] [ a sx:ShapeNot ;
                                                                            sx:shapeExpr [ a sx:ShapeAnd ;
                                                                                    sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                        sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                                        sx:min 1 ;
                                                                                                        sx:predicate schema:alternateName ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                        sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                                        sx:min 1 ;
                                                                                                        sx:predicate schema:name ] ] ) ] ] [ a sx:ShapeOr ;
                                                                            sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:ShapeNot ;
                                                                                        sx:shapeExpr [ a sx:ShapeAnd ;
                                                                                                sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:ShapeOr ;
                                                                                                            sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                                        sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                                                                sx:min 1 ;
                                                                                                                                sx:predicate schema:ratingValue ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                                        sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                                                                sx:min 1 ;
                                                                                                                                sx:predicate schema:bestRating ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                                        sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                                                                sx:min 1 ;
                                                                                                                                sx:predicate schema:worstRating ] ] ) ] [ a sx:ShapeNot ;
                                                                                                            sx:shapeExpr [ a sx:ShapeAnd ;
                                                                                                                    sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                                                sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                        sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                                                                        sx:min 0 ;
                                                                                                                                        sx:predicate schema:ratingValue ;
                                                                                                                                        sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                                sx:pattern "-1" ] ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                                                sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                        sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                                                                        sx:min 0 ;
                                                                                                                                        sx:predicate schema:bestRating ;
                                                                                                                                        sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                                sx:pattern "-1" ] ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                                                sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                        sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                                                                        sx:min 0 ;
                                                                                                                                        sx:predicate schema:worstRating ;
                                                                                                                                        sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                                sx:pattern "-1" ] ] ] ) ] ] ) ] ] [ a sx:ShapeAnd ;
                                                                                        sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                    sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                            sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                                            sx:min 0 ;
                                                                                                            sx:predicate schema:ratingValue ;
                                                                                                            sx:valueExpr [ a sx:ShapeOr ;
                                                                                                                    sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                sx:pattern "(\\d+[\\.,]?\\d*)/(\\d+[\\.,]?\\d*)" ] [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                sx:pattern "(\\d+[\\.,]?\\d*)%" ] [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                sx:pattern "(\\d+[\\.,]?\\d*)" ] ) ] ] ] [ a sx:ShapeOr ;
                                                                                                    sx:shapeExprs ( [ a sx:ShapeNot ;
                                                                                                                sx:shapeExpr [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                                        sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                sx:max -1 ;
                                                                                                                                sx:min 1 ;
                                                                                                                                sx:predicate schema:ratingValue ;
                                                                                                                                sx:valueExpr [ a sx:NodeConstraint ;
                                                                                                                                        sx:pattern "(\\d+[\\.,]?\\d*)" ] ] ] ] [ a sx:Shape ;
                                                                                                                sx:expression [ a sx:SemAct ;
                                                                                                                        sx:name <> ] ] ) ] ) ] ) ] ) ] ) ] ) ] ] ] ) ] .

Here is the corresponding SHACL. The internal representation is very similar and has a few other constructs:

@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix schema: <> .
@prefix sh: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

[] a sh:NodeShape ;
    schema:identifier "ValidSoClaimReview" ;
    sh:property [ sh:maxCount 1 ;
            sh:message "VALID_URL" ;
            sh:minCount 1 ;
            sh:path schema:url ],
        [ sh:maxCount 1 ;
            sh:minCount 1 ;
            sh:path schema:claimReviewed ],
        [ sh:and ( [ sh:or ( [ sh:class schema:CreativeWork ] [ sh:class schema:Claim ] ) ] [ sh:or ( [ sh:not [ sh:class schema:CreativeWork ] ] [ a sh:NodeShape ;
                                    sh:property [ sh:and ( [ sh:or ( [ sh:class schema:Organization ] [ sh:class schema:Person ] ) ] [ sh:or ( [ sh:not [ sh:or ( [ sh:class schema:Organization ] [ sh:class schema:Person ] ) ] ] [ a sh:NodeShape ;
                                                                    sh:property [ sh:maxCount 1 ;
                                                                            sh:minCount 1 ;
                                                                            sh:path schema:name ;
                                                                            sh:severity sh:Warning ] ] ) ] ) ;
                                            sh:minCount 1 ;
                                            sh:path schema:author ;
                                            sh:severity sh:Warning ],
                                        [ sh:message "VALID_DATE_TIME" ;
                                            sh:minCount 1 ;
                                            sh:path schema:datePublished ;
                                            sh:severity sh:Warning ] ] ) ] [ sh:or ( [ sh:not [ sh:class schema:Claim ] ] [ a sh:NodeShape ;
                                    sh:and ( [ sh:or ( [ sh:property [ sh:minCount 1 ;
                                                                    sh:path schema:appearance ] ] [ sh:property [ sh:minCount 1 ;
                                                                    sh:path schema:firstAppearance ] ] ) ;
                                                sh:severity sh:Warning ] [ sh:or ( [ sh:property [ sh:minCount 1 ;
                                                                    sh:path schema:appearance ] ] [ sh:property [ sh:minCount 1 ;
                                                                    sh:path schema:firstAppearance ] ] ) ;
                                                sh:severity sh:Warning ] ),
                                        ( [ sh:property [ sh:and ( [ sh:or ( [ sh:class schema:Organization ] [ sh:class schema:Person ] ) ] [ sh:or ( [ sh:not [ sh:or ( [ sh:class schema:Organization ] [ sh:class schema:Person ] ) ] ] [ a sh:NodeShape ;
                                                                                sh:property [ sh:maxCount 1 ;
                                                                                        sh:minCount 1 ;
                                                                                        sh:path schema:name ;
                                                                                        sh:severity sh:Warning ] ] ) ] ) ;
                                                        sh:minCount 1 ;
                                                        sh:path schema:author ;
                                                        sh:severity sh:Warning ] ] [ sh:property [ sh:message "VALID_DATE_TIME" ;
                                                        sh:minCount 1 ;
                                                        sh:path schema:datePublished ;
                                                        sh:severity sh:Warning ] ] ) ;
                                    sh:property [ sh:or ( [ sh:datatype xsd:anyURI ] [ sh:class schema:CreativeWork ] ) ;
                                            sh:path schema:appearance ],
                                        [ sh:or ( [ sh:datatype xsd:anyURI ] [ sh:class schema:CreativeWork ] ) ;
                                            sh:path schema:firstAppearance ] ] ) ] ) ;
            sh:minCount 1 ;
            sh:path schema:itemReviewed ;
            sh:severity sh:Warning ],
        [ sh:and ( [ sh:or ( [ sh:class schema:Organization ] [ sh:class schema:Person ] ) ] [ sh:or ( [ sh:not [ sh:or ( [ sh:class schema:Organization ] [ sh:class schema:Person ] ) ] ] [ a sh:NodeShape ;
                                    sh:and ( [ sh:or ( [ sh:property [ sh:minCount 1 ;
                                                                    sh:path schema:name ] ] [ sh:property [ sh:minCount 1 ;
                                                                    sh:path schema:url ] ] ) ;
                                                sh:severity sh:Warning ] [ sh:or ( [ sh:property [ sh:minCount 1 ;
                                                                    sh:path schema:name ] ] [ sh:property [ sh:minCount 1 ;
                                                                    sh:path schema:url ] ] ) ;
                                                sh:severity sh:Warning ] ) ;
                                    sh:property [ sh:message "VALID_URL" ;
                                            sh:path schema:url ] ] ) ] ) ;
            sh:minCount 1 ;
            sh:path schema:author ;
            sh:severity sh:Warning ],
        [ sh:and ( [ a sh:NodeShape ;
                        sh:property [ sh:hasValue schema:Rating ;
                                sh:path rdf:type ] ] [ sh:or ( [ sh:not [ a sh:NodeShape ;
                                            sh:property [ sh:hasValue schema:Rating ;
                                                    sh:path rdf:type ] ] ] [ a sh:NodeShape ;
                                    sh:not [ sh:and ( [ sh:property [ sh:minCount 1 ;
                                                                sh:path schema:alternateName ] ] [ sh:property [ sh:minCount 1 ;
                                                                sh:path schema:name ] ] ) ] ;
                                    sh:or ( [ sh:not [ sh:not [ sh:property [ sh:minCount 1 ;
                                                                        sh:path schema:name ] ] ] ] [ sh:property [ sh:minCount 1 ;
                                                        sh:path schema:alternateName ] ] ),
                                        ( [ sh:not [ sh:and ( [ sh:or ( [ sh:property [ sh:minCount 1 ;
                                                                                        sh:path schema:ratingValue ] ] [ sh:property [ sh:minCount 1 ;
                                                                                        sh:path schema:bestRating ] ] [ sh:property [ sh:minCount 1 ;
                                                                                        sh:path schema:worstRating ] ] ) ] [ sh:not [ sh:and ( [ sh:property [ sh:path schema:ratingValue ;
                                                                                                sh:pattern "-1" ] ] [ sh:property [ sh:path schema:bestRating ;
                                                                                                sh:pattern "-1" ] ] [ sh:property [ sh:path schema:worstRating ;
                                                                                                sh:pattern "-1" ] ] ) ] ] ) ] ] [ sh:and ( [ sh:property [ sh:or ( [ sh:pattern "(\\d+[\\.,]?\\d*)/(\\d+[\\.,]?\\d*)" ] [ sh:pattern "(\\d+[\\.,]?\\d*)%" ] [ sh:pattern "(\\d+[\\.,]?\\d*)" ] ) ;
                                                                    sh:path schema:ratingValue ] ] [ sh:or ( [ sh:not [ sh:property [ sh:minCount 1 ;
                                                                                        sh:path schema:ratingValue ;
                                                                                        sh:pattern "(\\d+[\\.,]?\\d*)" ] ] ] [ sh:message "VALID_RATING" ] ) ] ) ] ) ;
                                    sh:property [ sh:maxCount 1 ;
                                            sh:path schema:alternateName ] ;
                                    sh:severity sh:Warning ] ) ] ) ;
            sh:minCount 1 ;
            sh:path schema:reviewRating ] .

danbri avatar Oct 23 '23 15:10 danbri