Dana Desrosiers

Results 8 comments of Dana Desrosiers

I don't think that's possible with remoting. [IServiceProxyFactory.CreateServiceProxy](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.servicefabric.services.remoting.client.iserviceproxyfactory.createserviceproxy?view=azure-dotnet#Microsoft_ServiceFabric_Services_Remoting_Client_IServiceProxyFactory_CreateServiceProxy__1_System_Uri_Microsoft_ServiceFabric_Services_Client_ServicePartitionKey_Microsoft_ServiceFabric_Services_Communication_Client_TargetReplicaSelector_System_String_) allows us to set the [TargetReplicaSelector](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.servicefabric.services.communication.client.targetreplicaselector?view=azure-dotnet), but the only option for stateless services is `RandomInstance`. And that makes sense. I don't think...

The library is designed to pass messages between different services, not different instances of the same service. One queue is created per partition, which will be just one for a...

Good question! An upgrade is certainly needed. We are too busy over here to spend time on it right now, but PR's are welcome.

Not that I am aware of. Sounds interesting, though.

It doesn't currently support specifying a custom partition scheme, but that does sound like a useful feature. PR's are welcome if you want to implement it.

Can you explain what you hope to get out of this feature? The most basic enhancement I can think of would be to update `BrokerServiceLocator` to change `private async Task...

Yes, thanks. Fixed by #108

This is a basic feature that should work without additional configuration. If I follow correctly, the consumerID is currently the app name, so multiple subscribers within the same app end...