- [ ] IA - how should functional content be organised? - [ ] Brainstorm - [ ] Design crit with team https://www.figma.com/design/qssPpJy1lOWSFtuACajkZr/Global-search?node-id=1283-82&t=8p3FfTZ4uMFOghYV-1
Figma link: https://www.figma.com/design/juZQR2wi2BsYG8TDH6R4uk/Wellcome-Collection-%E2%80%93-Styles-and-Component-Library-2023?node-id=1610-12288
Updated search filter component designs below. Let me know before you start and I can talk you through them and do a proper handover. - [All filters design and spec](https://www.figma.com/design/qssPpJy1lOWSFtuACajkZr/Global-search?node-id=4656-12994&m=dev&focus-id=4874-21956)...
Component needed for global search. --- Checkbox component spec: https://www.figma.com/design/juZQR2wi2BsYG8TDH6R4uk/Wellcome-Collection-%E2%80%93-Styles-and-Component-Library?node-id=2937-2609 
 The current no results page could help users recover from this dead end better. Things to consider: - Practical actions users could take: Check spelling, Search for fewer words...