Hello, Thank you very much your your reply. It would be great if you could send us the adjusted version, so we could test it. I actually run the heteroplasmy...
Hello Nicolas, I attached a log file. Looking forward to your reply. Thanks [log_extended_MT_1349.txt](https://github.com/ndierckx/NOVOPlasty/files/6171414/log_extended_MT_1349.txt)
it is only mtDNA data
the protocol we used is 300 paired end miseq, libraries were prepared using nextera xt illumina. We assembled using NOVOPlasty, then we cut and paste the mtDNA sequence so that...
No problem, so our libraries start from PCR-amplified whole mtDNA (two long PCR amplicons) and the sequences have good coverage (range 400-10000X) with no gaps. With NOVOPlasty the first assembly...
Hello, I have the same issue. Were you able to solve this? thanks.