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Source code for apa7 class
Hello, is there a way to change the label and caption font size and spacing of figures? It seems to me that all options i.e. \captionsetup{font={small,singlespacing}} have no effect at...
This code ```latex \documentclass[12pt, man, a4paper, fullpage, draftall, floatsintext]{apa7} \begin{document} \title{Title} \authorsnames{A} \authorsaffiliations{{B},{C}, {D}} \maketitle \begin{APAenumerate} \item X \begin{APAenumerate} \item Y \end{APAenumerate} \item Z \end{APAenumerate} \end{document} ``` renders the enumerated...
I'm wondering if you can share the `.tex` file that produces the `.pdf` files you show in the samples.
Hi @dan-weiss Thank you so much for this wonderful package! Today I ran into a problem that I think is a bug that might be easy to fix (but I'm...
Turkish does not use a comma after the penultimate item in a list, in fact, it is ungrammatical to use one. This pull requests moves `\prelastauthorsep` to a `\def` before...
When putting figures and tables in the document, they overrun each other. Any ideas on how to fix this?
Hello When using the manuscript mode `[htbp]` prints for both figures and tables in the document about the Caption / "Figure ##" Reference. ``` \begin{table}[htbp] \begin{center} \caption{Table Caption} \begin{tabular}{l c}...
Hello! I have 6 authors, and only 3 of them have affiliations we want to to call out. Is there a way to not have an affiliation for the users?...
`\notelabel` is used in the caption of figures and tables. According to the Dutch translation of APA that's endorsed by multiple Dutch higher education institutions, the word used should be...
`apa7.cls` specifically checks if babel is loaded, but does not consider polyglossia: https://github.com/dan-weiss/apa7-latex-cls-source/blob/62f31e0b2c8c75e260a7690928c745d803333549/apa7/apa7.dtx#L1498-L1504 I think either polyglossia should also be checked for or something like [tracklang](https://ctan.org/pkg/tracklang) should be used to...