
Results 7 issues of dan

Hello! I've been writing some scripts for my neovim setup and noticed that you haven't included a way to *close* the tree only to *toggle*. I was making some scripts...

Added a new function wrapper `get_friends_from_source`... Unfortunately the name is very misleading. This will not only get "friends" from the source (gameserver, lobby, chat room), but it will return all...

https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/api/ISteamMatchmakingServers I'm in need of using this interface, is this implemented or planned to be implemented?


Some plugins will create splits in windows that do not initially have a file type. This can be problematic as the auto command will fire and resize that window. We...

![image](https://github.com/OlegGulevskyy/better-ts-errors.nvim/assets/79137382/859a3969-2322-4d11-b432-65e2aa744de1) Is this a common error? I have prettier installed globally

#### What kind of changes does this PR include? - New or updated content - Changes to the docs site code #### Description This PR adds a new guide that...


Hey! Just wanted to add a feature request for some more transparency options that I'm sure many users would love to have. I was thinking something glass or acrylic like...

help wanted