Daniel Friedman

Results 19 issues of Daniel Friedman

A discussion on [this rdflib PR](https://github.com/linkeddata/rdflib.js/pull/172/files/bd8e4fe5f43076b89e6d9d0ba21e835427228429#r105680098) raised the point that we need to document the instances in which we diverge from specs that we build upon. A few cases come...

What's the status of [the application data discovery proposal](https://github.com/solid/solid-spec/blob/master/solid-webid-profiles.md#type-registry-index-discovery)? The [solid spec treats the type registry as adopted](https://github.com/solid/solid-spec/blob/master/solid-webid-profiles.md#type-registry-index-discovery), while the document it links to lives here as a ["proposal"](https://github.com/solid/solid/blob/master/proposals/data-discovery.md). It...

After experiencing some confusing UX due to writing invalid data to a solid server, I had a discussion today with @dmitrizagidulin and @deiu regarding what we should do in the...

First request to PATCH `/solid-bookmarks/bookmarks.ttl` (HTTP 200): ``` INSERT DATA { "1"^^ }; ``` Subsequent request to PATCH `/solid-bookmarks/bookmarks.ttl` (HTTP 409): ``` DELETE DATA { "1"^^ }; INSERT DATA {...


The [brief workflow summary](https://github.com/solid/webid-oidc-spec#brief-workflow-summary) states that Alice gets presented with a "sign in" screen with her 401 from `bob.com`. In the common case in which Alice's user agent is a...

``` Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'hashString' of null at IndexedFormula.add (indexed-formula.js:298) at Object.mintNew (padPane.js:46) at callbackWS (create.js:80) at gotName (create.js:125) at gotName (create.js:205) at HTMLInputElement. (create.js:210) ```

good first issue


I need to be able to set headers etc. in the request. Many functions in `solid-client` are missing this ability. e.g. https://github.com/solid/solid-client/blob/master/src/solid/profile.js#L619-L658


Update to use convenience APIs on the solid-client profile


Hi there. Looks like there's been a string of `1.19` EC [releases](https://download.lenovo.com/pccbbs/mobiles/n1ful49w.txt) for the X1 Carbon 4th / X1 Yoga 1st that are missing from [LVFS](https://fwupd.org/lvfs/devices/com.lenovo.ThinkPadN1FHT.firmware) if I'm following correctly....