
Results 19 comments of damnskippy

This could be a great addition, can make it optional if cost is a concern.

In my experience, ccls is significantly more performant than clangd (tried v13 last) with respect to indexing speed, and that by itself is the greatest reason to prefer it over...

Potentially same as https://github.com/MaskRay/ccls/issues/818

Yes dropping the block works fine. It's perfectly reasonable that someone wouldn't want to open a tagbar split in the case of a diff window, and this is likely the...

One more vote for this request. Basically reverse the completion list order. This way the nearest match is close to where the cursor is and where the user is focused...

@chemzqm just my humble 2c - It would be a nice feature to dynamically reverse the completion list based on whether popup is placed above or below the cursor, so...

> Fixed by [6d70811](https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim/commit/6d7081180e8901c7160482a7e377ccbf7d7bab0a) Thank you!!! Reverse list works great. Perhaps one minor nit is what @oblitum is pointing out regarding doc which still goes to the top. But I...

Sounds like this will address https://github.com/vim/vim/issues/5769 as well if I'm not mistaken. For me personally it's the wraps when using termdebug that's the hardest to deal with that @GitMensch is...

It is currently sort of possible in the sense that one could initiate a search and start typing, which would cause matches to be highlighted and at this point, terminating...

Just to provide some more context, I was referring to this code here: ``` --- a/plugin/terminus.vim +++ b/plugin/terminus.vim @@ -48,7 +48,9 @@ if s:shape let s:start_replace="\]50;CursorShape=" . s:replace_shape . "\x7"...