Damien Pontifex

Results 18 issues of Damien Pontifex

To keep a single communication pattern, we should connect to the device provisioning service with MQTT if that is what is being used in the IoT Hub client. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-dps/iot-dps-mqtt-support...

End-to-end integration testing to ensure working as expected - [x] ARM template to deploy IoT hub - [x] az cli to create device in IoT hug - [ ] Run...

Handle errors with iot hub error type and communicate issues back to main program

Resiliency around getting a receiver when the client's tcp connect has potentially disconnected or doesn't exist

Some features (e.g. any c2d messaging, direct methods, twin updates) if disabled also then mean tokio features can be not used. In the case here, we don't need sync if...

Be able to set device twin properties or reporting updated values from client - [x] Listen to desired properties - [ ] Send reported properties

Allow device client to authenticate itself using x509 certificate auth ➝ https://docs.microsoft.com/bs-latn-ba/azure/iot-hub/iot-hub-security-x509-get-started

### Is your feature request related to a problem? There are some published directives that specific providers might support - in this case, looking at the `tag` directive to support...

🎉 enhancement
🔍 investigate
🌶️ hot chocolate
Area: Apollo Federation

I have noticed that if I have an `*ngIf` on the modal instance tag, the behaviour of the component fails to do the `appendTo` which moves the modal to the...

help wanted

The ModuleLoadConfiguration defined in vss.d.ts L2519-2528 has all properties as non-optional. This is contrary to samples which only setup init like so: ```javascript VSS.init({ explicitNotifyLoaded: true, moduleLoaderConfig: { paths: {...