Damien Guard

Results 176 comments of Damien Guard

Hmm, that line works perfectly here on Jekyll 3.9.0 - what version are you using?

I just upgraded my personal blog from Jekyll 3.9 to 4.2.0 in order to try and repo this and I'm still not seeing an error or warning. Here's my full...

Wrapping it in `{%raw%}` and `{%endraw%}` should help! e.g. `{%raw%}{% capture default_slug %}{{ page.slug | default: (page.title | slugify) }}{% endcapture %}{%endraw%}`

No problem. Glad you're up and running.

I personally prefer the current accessing order at least until threading is implemented. Otherwise you are reading replies before what they are replying to.

I haven't made a start on it but it would involve: 1. Each comment having a parent_id front-matter field (optional, if missing it's a top level) 2. Comments template would...

Oh, I just mean I can make the code change for 4 right now - it lives in a different repo and would be backward compatible.

I've not had any free time to work on this so there's nothing to report back at this time.

Hey @daviwil can you think how the config observable work might cause this?

I think this is tied up with https://github.com/atom/atom-languageclient/issues/71 and the various connection problems. My plan is to make the servers restartable from code and to provide an easy way for...