Damien Abrahams
Damien Abrahams
Hi again, Here are the results of the commands: C:\Development\testkube_1.0.16_Windows_x86_64>kubectl get pods -n testkube NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE 627caa34720181823b77c59a-jb5cl 0/1 Init:Error 0 18s testkube-api-server-664766b7bb-sz9tv 1/1 Running 0 5d18h testkube-dashboard-7f6f6dc6f-5k6sr...
I did specify a token when I created the test. I've also added the test to a private GitHub repo and I get the same result. The create command I...
Hi @vsukhin I am using Minikube but I do have access to another K8 environment, which isn't Minikube. I'll try out the different create command and let you know
I tried to use TestKube with vanilla K8 and Azure DevOps. I specify the username and the PAT token with this command: `kubectl testkube create test --git-uri https://dev.azure.com/damienabrahams/tests/_git/testkube --git-branch master...
Hey @vsukhin here's the output of the commands and responses: `C:\Users\DamienAbrahams>kubectl testkube create test --git-uri https://dev.azure.com/vladislavsukhin/Test/_git/Test --git-branch master --git-path Service/Test/TODO.postman_collection.json --git-username vladislavsukhin --git-token ae3snb5u5pcjttymk34yyvd6xq3ie7uuo62g2mvxbjzse3ql2alq --name blue-flowers --type postman/collection --test-content-type git-file...