Damian Moore

Results 48 issues of Damian Moore

help wanted
mobile app

A user [asked](https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/n4kj8i/openproject_and_nextcloud_announce_integration/gwzo35t?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) if we display Live Photos. I assume Photonix would show the static image content but not the video part. It would be nice to allow the user...


Generating a sentence describing what is happening in a scene should be possible. - https://github.com/HughKu/Im2txt - https://towardsdatascience.com/a-guide-to-image-captioning-e9fd5517f350 - https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content/ACCV2020/papers/He_Image_Captioning_through_Image_Transformer_ACCV_2020_paper.pdf - https://www.modelzoo.co/model/neural-caption-generator


Check HTTP or page headers when trying a new server connection. Display a message if server is not a Photonix one. This will save people from getting confused that the...

mobile app

This was suggested in https://github.com/damianmoore/photonix/issues/41. Think it should be implemented as a boolean field on the `Library` model. `PhotoFile` models should also have a boolean such as `writeback_pending` which is...


If there is a Chromecast or similar on the local network and icon should display (and possibly a notification) to connect and use the TV as a presentation device. Only...


It would be helpful to scroll back to a particular month/year when trying to use the main scroll bar. This could incorporate a histogram of number of photos taken each...


I recently realised that face and object analysis is performed on the full, original image. Whilst this is good in some ways (able to recognise tiny faces) it means that...


The user @cirdanmiriel:geekio.fr in Gitter chat has a problem where the Android app crashes on load. The device is a Xiaomi Mi 9 running Android 10 Paranoid Android Quartz 5....

mobile app