Damian Moore

Results 59 comments of Damian Moore

Thanks for the useful feedback @kennylevinsen. This seems like a critical bug we need to fix before the 1.0 release. There hasn't been much testing on large photo libraries yet...

@spupuz It's memory usage should keep growing. Upon startup, it determines how many classification workers to start up based on the amount of RAM available. There has been some optimisation...

Now that we have cron running inside container due to #124 (face recognition) I plan to utilise this to save memory. These classification processors are running all the time in...

User menu upload option ![Screenshot from 2021-05-25 21-48-21](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/715131/119567021-b2ae0500-bda3-11eb-80f9-d4c453e37cba.png)

Drop zone view when user is dragging files and about to drop to upload. "Demo Library" should be replaces with name of currently active library. ![Screenshot from 2021-05-25 21-56-04](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/715131/119569171-4bde1b00-bda6-11eb-882f-75a10612320a.jpg)

There is now a branch for this development work - `137-uploading`. It has an endpoint that allows files to be uploaded to a library. `library_id` get parameter must be supplied...

Icon for upload: https://fonts.google.com/icons?selected=Material%20Icons%3Afile_upload

I'm hoping this is fixed now but we should test again before releasing 1.0

Thanks for this report @Hatef-Git. Fine to keep this in the same issue. I can see the problem is your lens name is really long (168 characters) and the max...