Dale Thomas
Dale Thomas
Hey @Kongduino, you are definitely right with most everything you said. This is one of those projects that sort of just evolved over time. I recently decided that I would...
Hey @Marshmellow84, there are 2 places I have tried. The first was https://oshpark.com. They build beautiful high quality boards. However, they were very expensive, the shipping time was very long,...
Oh man, if I had the time I would make some up to sell. Actually, I think jlcpcb has a service that will solder the boards for you. Not sure...
Thanks a bunch for joining the fight, @FlexGunship! The HamMessenger team can use all the help we can get. I am in the process of designing the PCB (shield) now....
Hey @iCrazyBlaze, there is already a serial protocol so technically this is already possible! Check it out and feel free to add to it as you see fit. https://github.com/dalethomas81/HamMessenger/blob/master/Documentation/Operating%20Instructions/Serial%20Interface.md
Unfortunately for amateur radio it is illegal to encrypt your communications.
Have a look at the link below. The cable is a "2 pin Kenwood" cable and I have a link in this table. However, I will warn you that I...
Sorry about that. I tried searching on Amazon and didn't find one but I did find a similar one on eBay. Here is the link. https://www.ebay.com/itm/2-PIN-4-WIRE-TRS-COILED-MICROPHONE-CABLE-FOR-BAOFENG-KENWOOD-WOUXUN-LLL237627001-/402691205730?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0
In this project, I am using the same method as the MicroAPRS (which is also where the modem firmware is from). I have not tested any other design. Can you...
The PTT interface in this example is not implemented using an audio transformer. That is for the audio input (PC->Baofeng). The PTT interface in this example is implemented using an...