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Monticello repository for directory-based Monticello packages enabling the use of git, svn, etc. for managing Smalltalk source code.

Results 49 filetree issues
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When I review code on github I often see files with modification but no content added. For example: - - I would like to see two things to...

It is my understanding that allowing package renames (**with preserved history**) is complex task for regular filetree. However gitfiletree (metadata-less) takes everything from git, which does understand renames and likewise...

@ThierryGoubier published the following for Pharo-6.0: The original issue has to do with the fact that Monticello does not allow two packages to share a common Prefix: 'AAA' and...

Windows has a list of reserved file names and patterns more specifically this: > CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2,...

In Pharo 6 Esteban created a folder `pharo-local/`. This folder should contains all the Pharo files of an image excepted the .image and .changes. So, `github-cache/` should be move in...

It seems there is recent activity on this project, but not in the default branch; and there are many merged/stale branches that could be pruned (easily with the github UI...

Implement a MCDiff-based FileTree writer to accelerate writing large package to disk. Starting point: pharo5.0_dev.

Currently when I type in incorrect name of repo or a branch I just get a weird error saying that a zip wasn't found. ![este]( This is very cryptic when...

John Brant suggested a fix to gitfiletree use of OSProcess on Mac OS/X. It seems to do no harm on Linux.

[See @ThierryGoubier comment]( that points out the flaw ...