Same issue with redux store and saga middleware. Any solutions?
It doesn't work anymore with the last _npm couchbase module_ (2.6.0).
Thank you, waffledonkey. With the couchbase sdk 2.5.1, your above example works perfectly. With the 2.6.0 I get the "cannot perform operations on a shutdown bucket" error when I instance...
My fault. With the couchbase 2.6.0 dependency my previous couchbase user (a read only user admin) doesn't work anymore. Righlty, a read only admin can't perform operation (for example write...
See the attachment [server.zip](https://github.com/christophermina/connect-couchbase/files/2803666/server.zip) I use the bucket connect event otherwise I get a "shoutdown bucket error" when i set the store. `bucket.on('connect', () => { ... })`
I did not know Lounge! It is very interesting and more updated than Ottoman. Thank you for the advice.
Same problem for me.
In my case, the error occurred when I restart the triggers (your "startTrigers" function). For a moment it creates a conflict with the precendet instance (or something of similar...). But...
You can try to force the instance to stop before restart the connection. ``` instance.stop() ``` This is my code and I don't get the topic error anymore. ``` const...