
Results 24 comments of dalb8

I'll post logs later. The device was a500 running OmniRom. I downloaded from Google Play on Nexus 7 and there is exact same beahviour.

on a500 ``` I/ActivityManager( 413): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=eu.sathra.tryton4/.activities.GameActivity} from pid 799 D/dalvikvm( 413): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 304K, 21% free 10849K/13632K, paused 65ms, total 65ms I/ActivityManager( 413): Start proc...

Have you tried this: https://github.com/theblixguy/AppOps? The dev says install to system/priv-app as 777, if it works as 644 let me know!

The Bus library I think has nothing in the default master branch: it's all in develop.

I can confirm it builds. I would like to publish it on F-Droid.org on condition that there are no major upheavals in the future or that the lawyers won't come...

I've granted WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to Mixare but it doesn't display maps still. That trick works nicely for all the others I've tried.

That fixes the rotation but I still get sent back to the Gulf of Guinea if I re-enter the activity. Generally, few of the apps that I've tried have centered...

Actually map position resets (but not zoom level) on rotation with Aripuca GPS Tracker (https://code.google.com/p/aripuca-tracker) too using Maps API: 323b519. Maps work well with this app otherwise.

Double tap to zoom also resets the map. Rotation resets still for Ushahidi and Fake GPS Path at least.

I use an app I found on Github called urlsetter which listens for URLs. Not sure how it works. Unfortunately the app has been abandoned.