David A Krauth
David A Krauth
I've been thinking about doing something along the lines you suggest for a very long time and am constantly vacillating between various implementations. Obviously, there is nothing stopping someone from...
Yes, I hope to release that version within the next week or two.
Richard, thank you for your feedback. I've been busy both making modifications to swingtime to meet a great number of requests for enhancements to the app, many along similar lines...
I've added a simple tweak to check for false-y values for `count` and `until` in the `rrule` params
That is a build from someone else's fork. I've been trying to get the latest docs built on RTD, but for some reason they keep failing. Everything builds fine locally...
https://readthedocs.org/projects/swingtime/ I've published the docs on my own site as well: http://swingtime.nerdfog.com/ (and click the documentation button).
I never added the RTD links in the README doc for 2 reasons: swingtime pre-dated RTD, and I have no control over that domain or, apparently, how the docs are...
Should have a release shortly, hopefully in few days. On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 12:01 PM Adrian Klaver wrote: > I see the release notes here: > > http://dakrauth.github.io/django-swingtime/changes.html#release-1-1-0-feb-16-2019...