I am working on an app that wants to dynamically load Syntona XML circuits into Jsyn. I am aware of "Export to Java", but that requires me to recompile the...
It would be very useful to load external time/data events from a specialized input unit in Syntona. This would allow precreating (for example) a series of pitches or frequencies with...
In Syntona, the caps lock key is used to enable/disable 'Play Keys' mode. On my Linux Ubuntu w/ unity desktop, when I click caps lock, the checkbox next to 'Caps...
it would be very convenient to have Sound Font support in Jsyn- this would make the wide range of sample-based synthesis instruments available.
This page: https://github.com/bionanoimaging/UC2-GIT/tree/master/CAD/ASSEMBLY_CUBE_Z-STAGE_mechanical_v2 says the parts can all be printed without support. I printed the focus linear bearing flexure: https://github.com/bionanoimaging/UC2-GIT/blob/master/CAD/ASSEMBLY_CUBE_Z-STAGE_mechanical_v2/STL/Assembly_Cube_Z-Focus_Linearbearing_1x1_v4_20_focus_inlet_linearflexure_v4_7.stl and while the piece prints OK without support in the...
Hi, I've been able to get the demo working and noticed that it outputs an .obj mesh. That's great, now I would like to take the parts of the original...
I think this is probably out of scope for this project but I think this may be the right community to target. I read the GDB-17 construction paper (http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ci300415d). GDB-17...
My training has been on the ZINC database, but when I decode generated vectors into SMILES strings, I pass them into rdkit's canonicalizer. It looks to me like ZINC used...
Currently the requirements.txt file references keras from git: -e git+https://github.com/fchollet/keras.git#egg=keras however, keras is in PyPI. if it's not impossible, I suggest using the one from pip with a defined version...
It's not clear to me this code belongs here, I'm happy to make a new repo to hold this kind of code.