David Landell
David Landell
This is not something that is currently not very well supported in this package. The main premise for this package are the three parameters, directory, query string and file-type/glob. Using...
Thanks! Yes, you are right that the single file search has never been a prioritized use case for this package. The `rg-dwim-current-file` search function is not a true *one file*...
> No such frontend atm but if you want to play with it it should be possible to create one with the rg-define-search macro pretty easily. This is not entirely...
Not been working on this for long.
It's available in the menu (`m`) in the results buffer. If you want it as s real toggle look at https://rgel.readthedocs.io/en/2.1.0/configuration.html#function-rg-define-toggle
Thanks for the pr. This is already accessible in multiple ways although not as convenient with the indication in the UI. One way is via the transient menu. Straight forward...
Hi, sorry for the late follow up. Been busy with other stuff. I will decline this pr simply because this is easily achievable in other ways and the indication is...
No, not possible, I am afraid.
Maybe, I wouldn't know. Probably something I would not add the package unless there is high demand.
Thanks for the report. > 1. If custom colors are defined in ~/.ripgreprc, eg. --colors=path:fg:cyan etc. then font-locking and other functions in the rg-results buffer don't work. This should work...