Ying Chun Guo
Ying Chun Guo
**Describe the bug** After doing configuration accord to the [document](https://knative.dev/docs/eventing/accessing-traces/#configuring-tracing), no tracing is reported from PingSource. **Expected behavior** PingSource should report tracing which should be viewed from zipkin. **To Reproduce**...
I'd like to share video recordings of two webinars in a mini academy program in IBM China : - Matt Rutkowski's speech about OpenWhisk and Serverless overview. - Alex Glikson's...
## What version of Knative Client? $ ./kn version Version: v20191106-local-f1f6cfb-dirty Build Date: 2019-11-06 06:51:12 Git Revision: f1f6cfb Supported APIs: - serving.knative.dev/v1alpha1 (knative-serving v0.10.0) ## What version of Knative Serving...
/kind doc Since we are moving plugins to knative-sandbox, the [plugin document](https://github.com/knative/client-contrib#how-to-contribute-a-plugin) is out of date. We shall revise it, especially the contribution guide.
This will help to maintain a runnable version of OpenWhisk on K8s.
I wonder if we are able to use Helm to set up couchdb cluster? How about Kafka cluster ?
We need to add an environment INVOKER_CONTAINER_DNS to invoker yaml file, which will allow action containers to resolve Kubernetes name services.
We'd better add apigateway and redis in this Charter, which are two important components of OpenWhisk.
After I installed `https://github.com/apache/incubator-openwhisk-catalog` and try `wsk package list /whisk.system`, I will get error. And I looked into the log of couchdb, it reports: `reduce_overflow_error: Reduce output must shrink more...
Python template only supports "func.py" as the function file name. If I use a different file name, the container will not start correctly and the pod status is "CrashLoopBackOff" with...