
Results 23 comments of daip13

> ![1645005969(1)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/92135337/154242002-f6e406a3-640c-4ea6-8a1a-42b531ae5e07.png) > Does anyone meet the issue that the IDF1 score is larger than 100%?and detection result are zero when recreate a file to save the result of running...

> I have a guess:gt.txt file and similar mot17-02-DPm.txt file could not be found when I ran the code before. Then I used the MOT17 gt.txt file and det.txt file...

> Does this trace output refer to the run result of reid_feature_extraction.py? Or what part of the code? > Does this trace output refer to the run result of reid_feature_extraction.py?...

> I ran it as written in readme.md, but there was no the result of the trace.But due to the computer memory, I deleted some files in dataset/MOT17/ results_reid_WITH_traindata /detection....

> So what might be the reason for not generating trace results? I don't know because I cannot get enough information. I just rerun the main script, and there is...

> Can you send me that tracking result you generated?I would also like to ask whether num_prediction refers to the number of IDS in that result? I can upload the...

> Ok,thank you! You can find the tracking results under the [Baidu](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1IF7JqycSzP6iqbR9fkduJA) (code: lq3v).

> Hello > I want to download GCN model from Baidu site > However, I encountered the content that I had to sign up as a member. > Moreover, the...

> Hi. When I use "ReID_feature_extraction.py" to prepare the ".pb" file for MOT20, the function "detections_pb.SerializeToString()" raise an error that "message Detection exceeds maximum protobuf size of 2gb" for MOT20-05....

> The results that used the data set downloaded from Baidu Cloud Disk provided by you is correct. But when I used the script ReID_feature_extraction.py to generate the detections files...