Daijiang Li

Results 35 comments of Daijiang Li

Hi Tony, I think glmer also use the `cbind(success, fail)` form for binomial distribution, right? Daijiang

I think you can. https://rdrr.io/cran/lme4/man/glmer.html see the examples.

Hi Russell, I think I should spend sometime to learn INLA later! Is it possible to use current syntax of phyr to do the models you want to do? Like...

Hi Tony, Can you post some code to show that it does not work? It seems work for me. ```r library(lme4) gm1

Humm... I do not know. I think the formula is still `cbind(success, fail)` but the data frame from `simulate()` has the column name as "cbind(success, fail)" literally; then when `update()`...

Tony, A possible workaround for lme4: ```r library(lme4) bootMer_LRT

To do once `phyr` is updated on CRAN with new function name styles (from `.` to `_`). - [x] change `pglmm.compare` to `pglmm_compare` - [x] change `pglmm.predicted.values` to `pglmm_predicted_values` -...

@arives Tony, it seems that all examples from `R2_lik`, `R2_pred`, and `R2_resid` are similar enough from `R2`. We may can remove them to reduce check time on CRAN. Just a...

Can you please share an examplary dataset and the code so that we can reproduce your problem? Thanks.

Sorry for the late response. Can you paste the whole example? Also, try `mod.f