I think I prevent the slider from jumping while you drag it (while you have the mouse down on it, it does not take over new values) In general, these...
That scenario indeed still has a bunch of bugs. I pushed the notes from my latest play session: https://github.com/daid/EmptyEpsilon/commit/1716e22743101136c289947ef8e267c520411c3e So there are more things still wrong with it.
In general, if it's not there, but it makes sense to have it. It's because I haven't encounted that I needed it.
Usually, I have no issue with "add new script API" pull request, if they just expose things that are already there.
Few things I can think off: - The path planner avoid objects. Easy to test by not adding the asteroids to the path planner object avoidance. - Box2D broadphase, this...
Even without anything move, the path planner is still updating internal administration.
After working on something totally different, I figured something else that it could be, the Box2D broadphase could become unbalanced and inefficient. As this part is beyond my own scope,...
The GM station uses information and functions that aren't replicated across the network. Which is why it's server only, it's not designed like that, so it would be a lot...
My guess, only the GM comms functions would work right now. Enemy AI, tweaking objects, creating objects, all done server side only. Viewing the whole "world" on a client can...
EE is pretty much build with the "cinder-brick" rule of thumb for "greefers". As generally you play in the same room, it's not that hard to hit the person messing...