Daichi Mukai
Daichi Mukai
For `make check` on my mac machine the only one error I got on was for `test/lisp/prog-mode/flymake-test.el`. Travis specific?
I successed to make GUI usable by applying stock emacs's commit [7946445](https://github.com/emacs-mirror/emacs/commit/7946445962372c4255180af45cb7c857f1b0b5fa#diff-f43249227e5879c3fc3d7c08b1c41b1c) while getting same errors in stderr. Applying more patches should resolve them too. ![screen shot 2019-02-04 at 18...
Oh, I didn't see any error on my Emacs so I misunderstood GNU Emacs already resolved that problem. I recall I'm using Emacs patched for macOS. Thanks for information!
@shaleh Yes, let me give it a try!
I've merged #1338, many thanks to all especially @cjohansson 😸
As a first observation: ## Test command ```bash $ for f in benchmarks/*; do echo $f; time $(EMACS) --quick --script $f; done ``` `EMACS` is a path for release built...
Hmm, I didn't reproduce this issue on my Linux machine with master branch. I'll check for mac in a few days.