Dave Guarino
Dave Guarino
Tiny app to crowdsource data on the price of cheap beer at bars. Simplest version, in my mind, would be a flat HTML5 app focused on mobile browsers that: -...
A simple way for people to draw shapes on a map by snapping to existing streets, exporting to GeoJSON. The idea comes from my own mental model of neighborhoods really...
A micro-tool that watches a GitHub repo, and creates a Heroku instance for every new branch. Process would look like this: - The user would create a base Heroku app...
A site with super-small code snippets meant to illustrate the syntactic and idiomatic differences of these 3 (high-level, dynamic) languages. The general idea is to let people, particularly beginners, see...
Given CA's drought emergency, it'd be neat to have an interactive tool/viz to show people what effect different choices have on water usage. (This idea is driven by comments on...
A minimal, abstract application that lets people submit useful geo+time information. The basic interaction is extremely simple: you go to the site in your mobile browser, and -- at its...
Inspired by [MapSchool](http://mapschool.io/) ([GitHub](http://mapschool.io/)) **BudgetSchool** would be an open source beginner's guide to municipal budgets and finance.
Micro-site that consumes a link to a Markdown file and gives you a Star Wars-opening scrolling of the file. Use this HTML/CSS/JS hack: http://codepen.io/TimPietrusky/pen/eHGfj
A CI-like system that runs a Markdown file with instructions on how to deploy to Heroku, executes those instructions in a sandbox account, and runs some sniff check to see...
A single-page JS app to make manual data matching as fast and easy as possible for the human matchers. #### Front end: - UI shows a single entity on the...