Dave Guarino
Dave Guarino
This is more an institutional/policy hack: The basic idea is to work to add some variation of "releasing machine-readable budget data" as a criterion for the ["Distinguished Budget Award"](http://www.gfoa.org/index.php?Itemid=57) given...
TLDR: Gap analysis to identify what's covered/not, and prioritize/organize data collection efforts - Should use FIPS/GNID for unique identification (instead of strings) https://www.census.gov/popest/about/geo/codes.html / https://www.census.gov/popest/about/geo/all_geocodes_v2013.xls - Can crosswalk to Issues...
An interface to GitHub without any code whatsoever, with the goal of making a nicer experience for people who want to use GitHub purely for project management/discussion (mostly Issues)
BLUF: Step 1 — Govt uses Dropbox for local data files Step 2 — This micro-app just gives a super simple web view of all those files (and an iFrame...
BLUF: A simple map-based app letting you explore via satellite imagery your own recent flight paths My basic thought is have most of the map covered by a partially-opaque gray...
- Hoodmapper experiment overview - "ETL for America" - Easy choropleths - Stalled-project retrospective from the CfA fellowship
**BLUF**: An API that serves URLs for hardcore songs timed to the specific point of the breakdown **Status**: Data being collected; easily prototypable **Links**: Initial work: https://github.com/daguar/breakdowns Initial deploy: http://breakdowns.herokuapp.com/breakdowns/random...
Make a simple web interface that lets anyone (targeted at folks with no coding knowledge) easily make web choropleths (maps with different geo areas shaded to represent data; see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Choropleth_map...
### UPDATE 3/21/14: I've migrated this issue's content (and that from comments) over to a new whole repo for collaborating on this topics: https://github.com/daguar/etl-for-america
**BLUF**: Use the [billboard project](https://github.com/mick/billboard/) to let people **Status**: In development! **Link(s)**: https://github.com/daguar/billboard (fork with added YouTube capabilities) https://github.com/daguar/billboard-client