Maksim Kostromin

Results 18 comments of Maksim Kostromin

[check it out]( 1 ``` $ cat /etc/hosts peer1 peer2 ``` 2 ``` $ cat configs/ server.port=8761 eureka.datacenter=peer1 eureka.instance.hostname=peer1 eureka.client.serviceUrl.defaultZone=http://peer2:8762/eureka/ ``` 3 ``` $ cat configs/ server.port=8762 eureka.datacenter=peer2...

Just FYI, I found `-t` option is working as expected: ```bash java -jar .m2/restcli/restcli.jar -d /app/src/test/http -e ci -t 600000 /app/src/test/http/rest_api_tests.http ```

Hello! I very interested into this. Can I somehow contribute?

Hi, please review #107 PR --- Regards

we need maven jupiter java + kotlin example

@marcphilipp There are no problems with Gradle at all. Actually I know how to configure Gradle and it's actually only build system I can successfully execute mixed java / kotlin...

finally I have created worked maven pom.xml configuration to run mixed java / kotlin JUnit 4 vintage and JUnit 5 jupiter:

please let me know what is wrong with that gradle build script? ```gradle plugins { id 'java' id 'application' id 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' version '4.0.2' } version '1.0.0' group 'com.github.daggerok' mainClassName =...