would a PR with ios support be accepted to this library? I'm interested in doing that. Need it for work plus it's hacktoberfest.
With my really long Icelandic name, a part of it gets hidden under the avatar photo. I fixed it for me, but could I make a genral fix and do...
macOs High Sierra - Version 10.13.6. I have to be already connected to a wifi so that it gives me a list of wifis. If not, I only get empty...
See #165 . Work in progress.
It's quite common in gmail and other mail clients that the emails are displayed with the names and then the email inside chevrons, like this: John Johnson (see gmail screenshot...
Ég veit að það er nú ekki langt í kosningar en ég var að taka kosningaprófið og langaði svo mikið til að sjá svör flokkanna við hverja spurningu í kosningaprófinu....