I actually think this is not a priority now. I was able to get around our compute issue by sending a Settle instruction first then sending our PlaceAndSettle instruction.
The latest commit in our repo makes this recommended change and also increments the open_orders. referrer_rebates_accrued at the time of trade instead of at the time of event queue processing....
I'm kind of trash with git--what's the easiest way to send just that commit to you as a PR?
Ok here is the pull request with the cherry picked commit: https://github.com/project-serum/serum-dex/pull/149
Dynamic sysvars are on mainnet now
I'm not the person who built it but here are some answers: 1. It's a critbit tree which is a type of patricia tree. The first 8 bytes of the...
That's good, but it doesn't have a valid program id and feed aggregator pubkey. Those addresses are necessary to do testing on devnet.