Daeyun Shin
Daeyun Shin
Can it be related to #20?
How about using MATLAB's GUI window as-is (`workspace` command in cli)? Similarly you can do `edit {filename}` or (`:MatlabCliOpenInEditor` in vim) to open the GUI editor for things like setting...
Does `` work? I think, by default, the server launcher uses https://neovim.io/doc/user/nvim_terminal_emulator.html
There's a `kill_process.sh` script. It kills both the matlab process and `vim-matlab-server.py`.
25e807d You can now press `C-\` in the matlab server console to terminate without auto-restart. If you're not using `pexpect`, you can still use `C-c` to quit. Hopefully this works....
It is mostly because I haven't maintained this project in a while. Sorry about that. It would be easy to convert to python3 only. Pull requests welcome 😄
[Building the BVH tree](https://github.com/daeyun/mesh-to-depth/blob/master/cpp/lib/ray_mesh_intersection.cc#L15) is probably the most time-consuming part (would want to benchmark). The rest is just moving things around in memory. I agree it would be good to...