Results 82 comments of David Adler

it probably shouldn't be doing that, but I haven't seen that happen. Can you point me at a public g+ page where that happens? On Aug 11, 2012 2:31 AM,...

Thanks for the examples; now I see what's happening: 1. One issue is that there isn't enough free space in the browser window outside of the large thumbnail to show...

I took a look, but it doesn't look so easy.

It's an interesting idea. I just prototyped the suggested change, and it works somewhat. One problem I see is that the configuration change doesn't affect an image if it's already...

The option's setting must set the way you want it to affect the web page itself since TZP isn't involved in the loading of the page. Even if the forum...

The "Uranus: Orbit and rotation - the first image" example does seem to work well in my prototype so that's a good sign. The approach I'm taking isn't foolproof, though:...

A different idea which would help a little would be for TZP to show an indication in the mouse cursor when it's able to recognize that an popup is for...

Implementation steps: - Restructure site definitions to be more data-driven. EG instead of the rule directly calling string replace methods, have the definition merely define 'from' and 'to' patterns (and...

See also file src/Similar_Addons.html in the TZP source tree.

I'm having trouble reproducing it (on Mac with TZP 3.3beta1 and Firefox 34.0). Which operating system are you on? Which Thumbnail Zoom Plus version and Firefox version? Perhaps what's happening...