David Crome
David Crome
No, add it
I like it also.
This [blog post](https://blog.frankel.ch/designing-your-own-spring-boot-starter-part-1) is a good starter I guess ;)
I think two spring-boot-starter should be created: `spring-boot-starter-osiam-server` Like already described by @jvmlet, this is a starter which embeds OSIAM in an own backend service, maybe by providing `@EnableOsiamServer`. There...
> > ... maybe search for services which are osiam clients. > > Why server has to discover clients ? Isn't it should be the opposite way ? > >...
Please check the discussion in the old issue: https://github.com/osiam/resource-server/issues/7
Added `Scim Schema extensions does not support object's`
Added #151
If someone add the administration to OSIAM, please be aware of the open issues: - https://github.com/osiam/addon-administration/issues/71 - https://github.com/osiam/addon-administration/issues/69 - https://github.com/osiam/addon-administration/issues/45