Hey @bdkjones - I can't speak to the implementation, but I work on the docs for the Swift SDK, and I've made a ticket to update them based on your...
+1. I was coming here to make the same PR - bumping the version got me going with this example. It would be great if this could get merged.
I've made a ticket to add details around this to the documentation. I hope to get the relevant pages updated in the next week or two.
Hi @drmarkpowell - thanks for filing this! I've been following your issue in the realm-swift repo, and I've been planning to update docs based on that issue. I am in...
Thank you for the feedback, @drmarkpowell ! You're right, we should do a better job of exposing errors and their resolutions in the SDK documentation. I'll talk with the team...
I think it's true that there is summarization or consolidation going on - for example, I just put up a PR for a new page where I discovered we consolidate...
This has become a "won't do" so closing this PR.