Darcy Shen

Results 27 comments of Darcy Shen

@lrytz @retronym Why ConstantOptimization is removed in Scala 2.13? Would it be helpful if someone port it to Scala 2.13.x?

@lrytz I'm interested in improving the Scalac Optimizer. If I write a ConstantOptimizer, is it correct to create a PR under https://github.com/scala/scala/tree/2.13.x/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt ? And also provide a option under `-opt:`...

No specific project. Just for fun and performance!

I'm trying the tuning my Spark ETL code using the scala compiler flags. For CPU bound tasks, it works as expected. That's the motivation (for `Performance`). Just fixed https://github.com/scala/bug/issues/11247 and...

I found a ConstantFolder (`scala.tools.nsc.typechecker.ConstantFolder`) in the typechecker. That's why I'm asking if `src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt` is the right place (a somewhat silly question). There are many compiler phases. If we expect...

+ dead code elimination success: https://github.com/da-tubi/scala-optimizer/blob/master/AlwaysTrueIf.scala + constant folding success: https://github.com/da-tubi/scala-optimizer/blob/master/BinaryConstantFold.scala + Failed to remove the dead code: https://github.com/da-tubi/scala-optimizer/blob/master/BinaryConstantFoldVal.scala

From Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constant_folding > Constant propagation is the process of substituting the values of known constants in expressions at compile time. We need to enable constant propagation in the ConstantFolder.

For the BinaryConstantFoldVal example: The following code is generated using the optimizer option `-opt:l:method` ``` Compiled from "BinaryConstantFoldVal.scala" public final class BinaryConstantFoldVal$ { public static final BinaryConstantFoldVal$ MODULE$; public static...

> we could update to 3.2.x - is Tubi all on 3.2.x now? Yes. Using Databricks, we have to upgrade the databricks runtime version because Databricks are deprecating the old...

``` sbt publishLocal cd python pip install -e .[all] pytest -s tests/spark/sql/codegen/test_mlflow_registry.py::test_mlflow_model_from_model_version ``` Works fine for me. Unit tests will download pre-trained model from internet. Please make sure your network...