Hello, i have a error for implementation("com.arkivanov.decompose:extensions-compose-jetbrains:2.0.0-alpha-02") in the compose multiplatform. Can u help me? @arkivanov Error: A problem occurred configuring project ':common'. > Could not resolve all dependencies for...
Thanks for your answer. Decompose version with "2.0.0-compose-experimental-beta-01" is perfect. Everything is perfect. - with "2.0.0-beta-01", i got error for decompose-extensions. - with "2.1.0-compose-experimental-alpha-01", I just discovered the documentation. (https://developer.android.com/about/versions/14/setup-sdk)...
Why only for macos? :D Do you know how to use firebase with jvm and linux?
Did you check this [project](https://github.com/santansarah/KMM-Firebase-Messaging/blob/4eb0bfe9af457a61804e7484c70d86981d79d833/shared/build.gradle.kts#L34)?