Added from superbloom
**Component Created:** VideoThumbtray.vue **Stories:** VideoThumbtray.stories.js **Imports:** - SplitText **Notes:** Check out the way the event is emitted up to WpGutenberg (to open modal), maybe using the global event bus is...
When user manually changes slide with keypress, the slideshow timer interval is not reset.
NextPage gql query is consistently returning incorrect pages. This is unrelated to the recent looping update which works well, as its happening on older sites that weren't updates (like soda)....
Related to [this PR](https://github.com/funkhaus/fuxt/pull/81), we would like to whitelist this default Gutenberg slideshow [component](https://wordpress.com/support/wordpress-editor/blocks/slideshow-block/).
update wp-link error when there is no :to prop Was getting these error after client deleted a button link so adding this fix here jic