
Results 9 issues of d9394

mmap: Invalid argument terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' what(): circular_buffer: mmap (guard) Aborted

error message: `NOTE: you may have to manually edit Makefile to optimize for your CPU (especially if you compile on ARM, please edit PARAMS_NEON). Auto-detected optimization parameters: -msse -msse2 -msse3...

I install aprsdroid in a older android phone, so I hope a function is the aprsdroid can autostart when my phone power on , another hope function is when I...

the base system using debian or alpine?

调试错误,请回到请求来源地,重新发起请求。 错误代码 invalid-signature 错误原因: 验签出错,建议检查签名字符串或签名私钥与应用公钥是否匹配,网关生成的验签字符串为

As a chat server , I need ask client to input his name wher he connect the server, can you give out some example code?


请问black domain list和white domain list里面的规则是怎么?支持通配符或正则吗?

https://www.cnblogs.com/tcicy/p/8076387.html 我按这里通过webvirtmgr添加自定义参数入XML里,保存后自定义参数自动消失了

# 背景:什么情况下需要这个功能 我是用docker启动的,docker影射的端口是8880,但我的公网入口有nginx可以做虚拟目录转发,所以我尝试用:域名/talebook/ 转发到docker:8880时,发现无法正常显示,原因是页面源码中有很多js使用了绝对路径,如: # 需求:希望将所有的链接改为相对路径
