> This bug also happen on 1.20.1 (git-Purpur-2062 (MC: 1.20.1)*) I confirm, we just ran into that too. git-Patina-b5712d6 (MC: 1.20.1)
The error is still present in the latest build of the plugin. ProtocolLib Version: ProtocolLib v5.2.0-SNAPSHOT-679 Bukkit Version: 1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT Server Version: git-Patina-"b5712d6" (MC: 1.20.1) Java Version: 17.0.9 [dump-2023-12-23_10.51.08.txt](https://github.com/dmulloy2/ProtocolLib/files/13758689/dump-2023-12-23_10.51.08.txt)
> I think everyone here is using that plugin and I think the problem is Authme... I had seen that on their discord a person (and apparently also said to...
Similar problem with the same system