> > > 我也尝试了,eggbox在linemod-OCC上的效果太差了,不知道是什么原因,你们解决这个问题了吗? > > > > > > 你测试的eggbox的adds精度是多少?我这里精度也无法达到,也不知道怎么解决,正在复现pvn3d,尝试能否借鉴一下。 > > 我拿作者发布的试,是ADDS是7左右,我怀疑是mask的问题,我的想法是跑pvnet,重新做一遍eggbox mask, https://github.com/zju3dv/pvnet/blob/master/run.py 作者有发布LM-O的代码?我自己写的代码测试过程中,关键点预测的误差很大,您能帮帮我吗?
@Mr2er0 @William-Klay @taeyeop-lee Brothers, have you solved this problem? I also encountered the same problem when testing occ. In addition, do you have any ideas on invisible surface percentage?
> Hi, I have meet the same question as you. If you solve this problem, please give me some advices. I have tried to lower the version of python and...
Move all the generated results (*.ply) in /test folder to /data/S3DIS/results, calculate the final mean IoU results
> For occ-lm, i found the model performance on eggbox is pretty bad. Can you please give me any insight about it? May I know how you completed the test...
I have a similar problem. I use an additional VPN but still have the same problem; in the off answer, this appears to be a connection problem? Will this always...
感谢您的出色工作,在使用这个工程尝试复现YCB实验的时候发现缺少了‘nodirt_val_list.txt’,尝试参考train_list新建该文件,但是不是很清楚单个数据重复次数(3~7)的原理和规律 > > Currently, the YCB dataset is not carefully supported. Find this [extra repository](https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wtiuvpua9mo3641/AABeS3SCqAPenNQm8cZt0RwUa?dl=0) to see the code related to YCB dataset. Hoping this is helpful for your research....
> 感谢您的出色工作,在使用这个工程尝试复现YCB实验的时候发现缺少了‘nodirt_val_list.txt’,尝试参考train_list新建该文件,但是不是很清楚单个数据重复次数(3~7)的原理和规律 > > > > Currently, the YCB dataset is not carefully supported. Find this [extra repository](https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wtiuvpua9mo3641/AABeS3SCqAPenNQm8cZt0RwUa?dl=0) to see the code related to YCB dataset. Hoping this is helpful...