Dom Miketa

Results 17 issues of Dom Miketa

(Getting this on `fastai==2.2.5`) You can't run Interpretation.from_learner with the training dataset. Something similar happens when you directly pass a dataloader. The method works well when all optional arguments are...


It'd be very useful to be able to send failed tests to quickfix (or [Trouble]( along with line numbers which triggered the errors. Thanks for the amazing plugin, it's a...


Hi, and thanks for this plugin! I'm just trying out Emacs, having used Neovim for a while, and couldn't imagine the transition without a commentary-like plugin. :) Recently, [Comment.nvim]( introduced...

I wrote a script to control yabai that either moves focus west or, if there's no window available on that display, selects the closest window on the closest adjacent display....

Having rebound `M+h` to moving focus west, I realised how much I miss the hide functionality! You can rebind it using System Preferences, but only on an app-by-app basis, eg...

(dev branch) The keybinding `gnt` - which takes you to the next to-do task - has a few problems. 1. It clashes with built-in `gn`: search next and select. 2....

I'm getting the following error when trying to send `:Telescope git_status` results to Trouble: ``` E5108: Error executing lua Vim:E5300: Expected a Number or a String stack traceback: [C]: in...

For some reason my operator-pending prefixes have doubled: I'm using [treesitter-objects]( to set up a few more inner/around bindings but disabling the plugin doesn't, AFAICT, fix the problem. :/ Has...

Taskwiki currently enforces a 4-wide indentation, but many people (myself included) prefer 2-wide. It'd be nice if taskwiki could just read off indentation from `shiftwidth`.

Yabai (and Mission Control) number spaces from left to right, starting from 1, _skipping over native-fullscreen apps_. `simple-bar` doesn't skip over native-fullscreen apps and therefore the two numbering schemes can...
